75th Anniversary of the Philmont Training Center

The Philmont Training Center will be turning 75 in 2025, and it’s never looked better! Program for this very special week will include reunions of many groups that have been important to the development of PTC.

You are all invited along with your family members to this special celebration!

There will be special entertainment and guests, historical presentations, tours, programs, sharing of great Scouting stories, songs, skits, and just plain fun! Philmont Family Adventure activities will be available for your selection. You can also check out the updated National Scouting Museum and the exterior remodel of the Villa Philmonte. Plan now to join the festivities Monday through Thursday, and then join the Cimarron Rodeo and 4th of July celebrations on Friday!

This event is open to everyone. You do not need to be currently registered in Scouting America to attend.

All guests will receive a commemorative gift.

Click Here to Register

June 29-July 5, $425 plus Housing