A Word About Conduct

Each group should develop a procedure regarding unacceptable behavior and/or conduct. The best method to accomplish this is to outline expectations before the trip, as well as consequences if a participant chooses to act in a way contrary to established guidelines. Parents/guardians must be informed of the guidelines.

In addition to the crew’s code of conduct, all crews are expected to conform to Philmont’s policies and prohibitions and do their part to preserve the wilderness.

Remember, advisers are responsible for their participants at all times. Philmont cannot provide supervision should a participant be removed from the trail for discipline reasons; they must be sent home at their own expense. An adult adviser will be required to come off the trail to provide supervision and assist with transportation arrangements in the event a participant is sent home.

Philmont and Scouting America expect all participants to conduct themselves in a Scout-like manner. Let the Scout Oath and Law guide the actions of your group in all situations.