Philmont Camping Gateway

The Philmont Camping Gateway allows the Reservation Contact to establish Lead Advisors, who may in turn enter participant information, certifications, and important travel information. The Gateway is accessible by email invitation link only. If you are a Lead Advisor or Reservation Contact, look for an email from and you’ll find a link to access the Roster Gateway.

In early December, the Itinerary Guidebook will be published for crews to download and review.  Then, starting in mid-January, Lead Advisors can begin to submit itinerary preferences within the Gateway. These preferences can be modified until early February, when the Gateway will process all selections and make assignments using a random and fair process.  (Actual deadlines are published yearly in the Itinerary Guidebook.)  You will be notified via email after your itinerary has been assigned. For more information on Itinerary Selection, please see the Itinerary Guidebook.

Key Terms

Crew Roster – Every crew hiking in the Philmont backcountry must submit important participant information online prior to arriving at the Ranch. Philmont logistics and medical staff utilize the information found in each roster to understand the location for safety of backcountry participants should an emergency arise.

Reservation Contact – This person created the initial Philmont reservation and has been the primary contact for payments and planning. Sometimes the reservation contact also plays the role of a Lead Advisor. Once inside the Philmont Camping Gateway, Reservation Contacts have the option to view and modify information for every crew roster in their reservation.

Lead Advisor – Each Philmont crew has one designated Lead Advisor. This adult organizes their crew and enters information for each crew member into the Philmont Camping Gateway prior to arriving at Philmont. In addition to participant information, the Lead Advisor also submits their planned Philmont arrival and departure travel information online.

Sister Crew – Crews on a 12-Day trek will have the option to request to hike with another crew on a 12-Day trek with a matching arrival day. Lead Advisors for a 12-Day trek may select a Sister Crew as soon as they access their crew roster through the link received via email. Once a Sister Crew arrangement has been confirmed by both crews, either crew’s Lead Advisor may submit itinerary preferences for both crews when Itinerary Selection opens, typically in early January each year.

What is your role?

Reservation Contact who is also a Lead Advisor
If you coordinated your unit’s reservation (one or more crews) and you plan to hike with one of the crews, this is you! Click here to learn more.

Lead Advisor Only
If you are serving as a Lead Advisor hiking with a crew at Philmont, but did not coordinate your reservation, this is you! Click here to learn more.

Reservation Contact Only
If you coordinated your unit’s reservation but don’t plan to hike at Philmont, this is you! Click here to learn more.