
  • 8 days and nights
  • Fee: $1,325 (2025)

  • Register: By crew
  • Season: Summer
  • Age: 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade)
  • Crew Size: 10-15, including adult leadership
  • Leadership: 3 adult leaders per crew required minimum, 5 adult leaders maximum
  • Registration: October/November, 18-months prior to trek

Philmont Cavalcades are similar to regular expeditions except that, instead of hiking, crews ride horses through the rugged mountain wilderness like the famous trappers who first explored the West. 

Eight-day Cavalcades with 10 to 15 people* per crew are offered on specific dates each summer. The final day of the Cavalcade is spent in competition at an equestrian gymkhana.

For the safety of the rider and the horse, there is a 200-pound weight limit for all riders.  No exceptions given.

Due to the popularity of the Cavalcade program and the limited number of horses, a lottery will be held for crews that have expressed a desire to participate in summer Cavalcades. A group may not participate in consecutive years. 

Registration is done online at the same time as 12 ,9, and 7-day treks. You can enter dates for different trek types but can only be awarded one type of trek. Learn more about the lottery here.

* If the crew should number fewer than 10, the group will be charged for 10 participants. The maximum number of crew members per Cavalcade is 15. 

How to pack for Cavalcade

For additional information on what to bring and how to prepare for your Cavalcade please reference the Guidebook to Adventure.