Howdy!!! We’re so glad you are here!
Philmont Maps
Daily Schedule
5:00-6:30pm Dinner / Dining Hall
- Dietary Restriction – Please let the servers know you have a dietary restriction, and they will retrieve your meal.
- Become familiar with the Dining Hall Map
6:15-6:45pm Evening Chapel / PTC Chapel (Rain location is Assembly Hall)
7:15pm Orientation and Opening Program / Program Bowl (Rain location is Assembly Hall)
- Join us for a rousing good time! Our show will tickle the funny bone. Join in song, laughter, and learn a little about our New Mexico history.
6:30-8:00am Breakfast / Dining Hall
8:00am Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles in front of the Guest Service Office
- Our daily Flag raising ceremony is complete with music and historical narratives. Families are encouraged to participate.
Morning Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados meet on the Greensward per their schedule
8:20am Conference Group Photos / Villa Lawn
11:20am Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
11:30-1:00pm Lunch / Dining Hall
Afternoon Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados continue afternoon activities on the Greensward per their schedule
Mini Sessions [Join each day for short presentations on unique topics to help strengthen Scouting and build stronger relationships. Mini Sessions are open to all guests.]
12:45-1:15pm Mini Session “Acquire the Facilitators Advantage” / Assembly Hall
Learn how to facilitate challenging games and team building activities. Discover ways to maximize the involvement of all participants via debriefing techniques that emphasize reflection and group learning. Understand why facilitative approaches to learning are a force multiplier and an advantage to anyone responsible for training both Scouts and Scouters.
1:20pm Conferences classes continue
4:20pm Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
4:45pm Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles
- Daily lowering of colors
5:00-6:30pm Dinner / Dining Hall
6:15pm Parent Briefing for Kids and Kin Overnight Groups / PTC Pavilion
6:30pm Venturing Awards Reception / Assembly Hall
- Come celebrate Venturing highlights from the past year and congratulate this year’s honorees of the National Venturing Leaderhsip Awards.
7:00pm Ranger Roundup Games / Greensward
- Fun for the whole family.
6:30-8:30pm Craft Center Open
6:30-7:30pm Jr Wrangler / Pony Ring and Farm Yard
9:00pm Astronomy / Program Bowl (Weather permitting)
- We all love seeing the wildlife and beauty of our mountains and prairies, but we forget to look up. Join us as we explore the magical skies above Philmont. Telescope provided.
Drink Water! Everyone should drink AT LEAST 4 quarts per day. That’s 4 PTC branded Nalgene bottles.
6:00am Sunrise Chapel / PTC Chapel
6:30-8:00am Breakfast / Dining Hall
8:00am Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles in front of the Guest Service Office
- Our daily Flag raising ceremony is complete with music and historical narratives
Morning Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados meet on the Greensward per their schedule
8:20am Conference classes begin
11:20am Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
11:30-1:00pm Lunch / Dining Hall
Afternoon Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados continue afternoon activities on the Greensward per their schedule
Mini Sessions [Join each day for short presentations on unique topics to help strengthen Scouting and build stronger relationships. Mini Sessions are open to all guests.]
12:30-1:30pm Mini Session “Strategic Training Plan” / Assembly Hall
This updated course is key for those involved in training who want to help significantly improve the number of Trained Leaders in Districts and Councils. The guided process will assist in shaping your training program as you set specific goals and actionable objectives and establish key performance indicators to help you document your success. Join us to learn more.
1:20pm Conference classes continue
4:20pm Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
4:45pm Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles
- Daily lowering of colors
WESTERN NIGHT – Wear your western clothes
5:00-6:30pm Buffalo BBQ / Greensward (Rain location is Dining Hall)
- 6:00pm Branding (bring items to brand. Leatherwork, hats, plastic cups/water bottles, etc.) / PTC Pavilion
- 6:00-8:00pm Lawn Games / Greensward (Rain location is Assembly Hall)
- 6:30pm Line Dancing / PTC Pavilion
- 7:00pm Program Recognition Greensward (Rain location is Assembly Hall)
6:00-7:00pm Family Photos / Villa Lawn (Rain location is Assembly Hall)
8:45pm Night-O / PTC Pavilion
Night-O is a family friendly fun nighttime orienteering course that will take you around the PTC campus. Everyone is welcome. Bring a flashlight, water bottle and walking shoes.
6:30-8:00am Breakfast / Dining Hall
8:00am Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles in front of the Guest Service Office
Please check your individual conference and program schedule for class/activity times. Some Conferences have no classes on Wednesday.
8:15am Conference classes begin
11:20am Conference Guests pick up children on Greensward
Mini Sessions [Join each day for short presentations on unique topics to help strengthen Scouting and build stronger relationships. Mini Sessions are open to all guests.]
No Mini Session scheduloef for today.
Conferences have free-time to explore off-site locations or they can register for Philmont activities.
11:30-1:00pm Lunch / Dining Hall
4:45pm Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles
5:00pm Catholic Mass at the Historic 1904 Raydo Chapel / Guest must drive own cars
5:00-6:30pm Dinner / Dining Hall
6:15-6:45pm Evening Chapel / PTC Chapel
6:30-8:30pm Craft Center Open
6:30pm Wood Cravers Roundup
- Learn to whittle, try out your skills, and see dipslays of successful projects. Open to the enture family and all guests.
7:00pm Patch Trading / PTC Pavilion
8:00pm World Famous Philmont Cobbler Night / East Tent City Hospitality Center
6:00am Sunrise Chapel / PTC Chapel
6:30-8:00am Breakfast / Dining Hall
8:00am Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles in front of the Guest Service Office
- Our daily Flag raising ceremony is complete with music and historical narratives
Morning Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados meet on the Greensward per their schedule
8:20am Conference classes begin
11:20am Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
11:30-1:00pm Lunch / Dining Hall
Afternoon Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados continue afternoon activities on the Greensward per their schedule
Mini Sessions [Join each day for short presentations on unique topics to help strengthen Scouting and build stronger relationships. Mini Sessions are open to all guests.]
12:45-1:45pm Mini Session “History of Youth Leader Training Courses” / Assembly Hall
A review of the programs from the idea mentioned in the BSA Annual Report of 1948, the pilot programs that became NJLITC at Schiff and Philmont, to the courses of today.
1:20pm Conference classes continue
4:20pm Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
4:45pm Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles
- Daily lowering of colors
5:00-6:30pm Dinner / Dining Hall
6:00pm Duty To God Pilgrimage Patch Giveaway / Assembly Hall
Receive the “Orient Your Life With God” patch and other assorted patches from Jamboree and Philmont activities. There will be a Door Prizes patch binder worth $500. Stop by and register. You do not need to be present to win.
6:00pm Family Photos / Villa Lawn (Rain location is Assembly Hall).
6:30-7:30pm Jr. Wrangler / Pony Barn and Farm Yard
6:30-8:30pm Craft Center Open
9:00pm Astronomy / Program Bowl (Weather permitting)
- We all love seeing the wildlife and beauty of our mountains and prairies, but we forget to look up. Join us as we explore the magical skies above Philmont. Telescope provided.
6:00am Sunrise Chapel / PTC Chapel
6:30-8:00am Breakfast / Dining Hall
8:00am Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles in front of the Guest Service Office
- Our daily Flag raising ceremony is complete with music and historical narratives
Morning Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados meet on the Greensward per their schedule
8:20am Conference classes begin
11:20am Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
11:30-1:00pm Lunch / Dining Hall
Afternoon Activity: Family Adventure Camp Guests, Kids and Kin & Silverados continue afternoon activities on the Greensward per their schedule
Mini Sessions [Join each day for short presentations on unique topics to help strengthen Scouting and build stronger relationships. Mini Sessions are open to all guests.]
12:45-1:15pm Mini Session “Scouting U – Q & A” / Assembly Hall
Meet the leadership of Scouting U and learn about what the committee does to prepare and improve program delivery.
1:20pm Conference classes continue
3:30pm All Conference Gathering / Assembly Hall
4:20pm Conference Guests pick up children on the Greensward
4:45pm Flag Ceremony / Flag Poles
- Daily lowering of colors
5:00-6:30pm Happy Trails Picnic Dinner / Greensward
- Pick up Departure Packet
6:00-8:00pm Lawn Games
6:15pm Branding
6:30pm Ice Cream Social
7:00pm Closing Program
6:30-8:30pm Craft Center Open
7:00pm Closing Program
6:30-8:00am Breakfast / Dining Hall
9:00am Guests Depart
- Pleases return all borrowed items including the Bed in the Bags to ETC Hospitality Center.
- Please close your tent flaps
- Return roofed housing keys to Guest Services Office or the Red Key Return Box by office front door.
Thank you for visiting the Philmont Training Center! Travel safe and we will see you next year.
Evening Programs
Rain Out Location For Evening Programs: Assembly Hall
Looking for a bit more fun? Guests will be able to choose activities via an online signup form. Click Here or use the QR code on your schedule to begin building your PTC Experience.
- Morning Activity: Sunrise Lovers Leap Hike
- Evening Program Areas include: Climbing Wall, Range and Target Activities and Candlelight Rayado Tours.
Villa Tours must be reserved by calling the National Scouting Museum at 575-376-1136. Evening Tours are available Monday and Thursday evenings.
Walk-in Areas (no reservations needed): Craft Center, Jr. Wrangler at the Pony Ring, and the Astronomy class. See daily schedule for times.
Special Evening Events
Sunday Night: 7:15pm Orientation and Opening program / Program Bowl (Rain location is Assembly Hall)
Monday Night: 7:00pm Ranger Roundup Games / Greensward
Tuesday Night: 5:00pm Western BBQ and Program / Greensward (Wear you western clothes)
Wednesday Night: 8:00pm World Famous Philmont Cobbler / ETC Hospitality Center
Thursday Night: “A little something for everyone night.” Plenty of activities to keep you busy.
Friday Night: 5:00pm Chuckwagon Dinner and Lawn Games / Greensward (Be sure to pick up your departure packet)
Conference Wednesday Program
Conference guests are able to choose activities for Wednesday afternoon. Please be aware that activities have limited space and are weather permitting.
When you arrive at PTC, you will sign up for your Wednesday Program during check-in.
Faculty tours of the backcountry are open for Wednesday. Please sign up in the Guest Service Office. Space is limited to 12 members.
Hours of Operation
Guest Service Office: Daily 7:30am-5:30pm
Medical Office (PTC): M-F 11:30-Noon, 4:30-5:00pm
Coin Laundry: Open Daily, Closed 6:00-6:30am
Santa Fe Trail Café: Open 24 hours, No trading post this year
Craft Center:
- M-F 9:00-Noon, 1:00-4:00
- M-W-TH-F 6:30-8:30pm
Tooth of Time Cantina: Daily 10:00am-6:45pm and 8:00-10:00pm
- Open House: Daily 4:00-5:00pm. Explore the house at you rown pace.