Fall, Winter and Spring Programs

Fall Conferences

Philmont Training Center hosts Fall Conferences each year in September and October to provide leaders with more opportunities to learn and grow their skills. Fall Conferences operate just like a normal summer conference. Since summer trekking comes to a close in August, Fall Conferences also take advantage of Philmont’s diverse backcountry locations and fall colors!

Philmont Leadership Challenge

Adult Scouters learn to internalize and practice their leadership skills in an action-packed backcountry course. This course is based on the skills taught in Wood Badge for the 21st Century, and gives its participants the opportunity to work with others to further develop and hone these skills in the field. LEARN MORE

Leave No Trace Level 2 Course

The five-day Level 2 Instructor course is designed for people who are actively teaching outdoor skills or providing recreation information to the public.

Available to all council, area, region, and national volunteers, employees, and professionals involved in support of outdoor programs. Sessions will discuss appropriate programs for all ages dealing with the outdoors and high adventure in their council, area, and region. LEARN MORE

Council and Endowment Retreats

Councils from across the country use the PTC as a destination for their Board or Council Staff Retreats. It is a great time to come see the beautiful fall colors and enjoy the Philmont Training Center’s facilities.

Fly Fishing Invitational

Philmont’s benefactor Waite Phillips was an enthusiastic and accomplished fly fisherman. He spent many days beside some of America’s most prominent citizens, fly rod in hand, fishing the small streams and lakes of “God’s Country.” You can enjoy the same quality experience at the Philmont Scout Ranch Annual Fly Fishing Invitational, held each year in September. This weekend of fellowship is open to adult Scouters who are recommended and accompanied by their local Scout Executive. Guides are provided by Philmont.

2024 Dates: September 5 – 8

Fees: $600

Questions please contact: carrie.hairston@scouting.org or matt.hart@scouting.org

Wood Badge at Philmont

Philmont partners with individual councils to provide a location for them to host their own Wood Badge course. Members of other councils may contact the host council to request to join a course.

August 4 – 10, 2024

Wood Badge is a leadership training course. Wood Badge courses aim to make scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills and by creating a bond and commitment to the Scouting movement. Courses generally have a combined classroom and practical outdoors-based phase followed by a Wood Badge ticket, also known as the project phase. By “working the ticket,” participants put their newly gained experience into practice to attain ticket goals aiding the Scouting movement.

Wood Badge Flyer

Registration Link

Wood Badge is an adult advanced leadership training reflecting the best of a century of Scouting experience. Wood Badge is the ultimate personal and professional growth training program offered by the Boy Scouts of America.

Training that draws upon the latest in leadership theory and team development used by corporate America, academic circles and successful organizations.

Wood Badge is about enhancing your leadership skills through hands-on experience, to help you take those skills back to your unit or District and put them to work to develop effective leaders and youth where you serve.

Wood Badge Flyer

Registration Link

September 22 – 27, 2024

Wood Badge is a leadership training course. Wood Badge courses aim to make scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills and by creating a bond and commitment to the Scouting movement. Courses generally have a combined classroom and practical outdoors-based phase followed by a Wood Badge ticket, also known as the project phase. By “working the ticket,” participants put their newly gained experience into practice to attain ticket goals aiding the Scouting movement.

Click Here for Event Flyer

For more information and to register: Click Here 

Sportsman Adventure

Since the 1940s, Philmont has been offering guided, invitational big game hunts to those actively involved in Scouting. Sportsmen are considered upon recommendation from a local council Scout Executive. Philmont hosts several hunts throughout the year, including antelope, elk, deer, bear, mountain lion, turkey and buffalo. LEARN MORE